
Return Policy

Returns Policy

If items purchased are within the last 30 days and are in brand-new condition, they are eligible for return. To initiate a return, please follow these steps:

  • Submit a Return Request: Click here to submit a return request
  • Order Number: Provide the order number associated with your purchase for accurate identification.
  • Contact Information: Include your phone number and email address to facilitate prompt communication.
  • Reason for Return: Provide a detailed description of why you're initiating the return for better assistance and service improvement.
  • Return Shipping Costs: The return shipping cost is the buyer's responsibility. To ensure your refund or exchange goes smoothly, it's important to use secure packaging and select a reliable shipping method to minimize the risk of any further damage during transit.

Please Note: While we strive to accommodate returns for most items, certain products are designated as "Non-Returnable" due to various reasons, including clearance status, discontinued models, or special order items. These items are clearly marked as such on their respective product pages before purchase. For clarity, the following items are non-returnable:

  • Products labeled as "Non-Returnable," "Overstock," or "Discontinued."
  • All Wheel & Tire Packages.

Damaged/Defective Items

If you've received damaged items or are experiencing fitment issues, no need to stress! We're here to make your return and exchange process as smooth and effortless as can be. Please just follow these simple instructions:

      1. Document the Damage/Fitment Issue: Furnish us with clear and detailed pictures showcasing the damage or fitment issue. This documentation is crucial for processing insurance claims and manufacturer's warranty.
      2. Your Unique RMA Number: Upon receipt and review of the provided documentation, we will issue a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) to facilitate the return process.
      3. Exchanging Broken/Defective Items: Eligible items for exchange due to damage will have the shipping cost for the replacement covered by us, contingent upon availability.
      4. Availability of Replacement Items: Replacement items are subject to availability. If the exact replacement is not in stock, we'll work with you to find a suitable alternative or initiate a refund.
      5. Timely Return: Promptly send back the item once the RMA is issued to expedite the return and exchange process.
      6. Communication: Our customer service team is ready to assist you with any challenges during the return or exchange process.

By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to provide a transparent, efficient, and customer-centric return and exchange experience. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in facilitating a seamless resolution to any issues you may encounter.

Refund Policy

Our refund process is easy. Simply provide the reason for return, such as damage during shipping, warranty claim, or exchange. Please ensure to write detailed explanations and provide pictures if necessary.

      • Items returned within 30 days will incur a 10-25% restocking (depending on item/manufacturer). Items qualifying for free return under warranty or for shipping damage will incur no restocking fees.
      • All Returns between 30 and 60 days incur a 25% restocking fee.
      • Returns for items purchased 60 days or more ago cannot be accepted.
      • Refunds can be expected within 1-3 days after we receive and inspect the returned item.

After submission, our team will review your request and guide you through the next steps. For any questions or assistance, contact our customer service team. Thank you for your cooperation. We aim to ensure your satisfaction and facilitate a smooth return process.